To keep or not to keep?
My monthly quilting extravaganza is generating a lot of scraps. At first I didn’t feel bad about throwing the scraps away since I’m trying to GET RID of fabric, thank you very much.
But then I started reading on the interweb. Nothing good can come of that, right? First I learned that one of the quilting trends for 2014 is scrappy quilts. Then I read a few blog posts about people who were actually using their scraps. People who don’t just save scraps in crumpled ziploc bags before eventually throwing them away. Then I started feeling guilty about my scraps.
Resolution Updated
I’m going to do something about my scraps. Here’s my plan:
- anything smaller than 6 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ square is a scrap – time to sort through my stash
- scraps will be trimmed to size and sorted in this order of priority – 4 1/2″ squares, 4 1/2″ triangles, 2 1/2″ squares, 2 1/2″ triangles – anything smaller goes in the trash
- long strips at least 1 1/2″ wide are also saved – I’ll probably use these for a second scrap project
- everything will be bagged and labeled
- larger squares will be created regularly – when a bag of triangles is full the triangles will be pieced into squares and when a bag of squares is full 12″ squares will be sewn
If you haven’t figured it out yet, I like rule and lists. They keep me organized (= sane). It’s the only way I get anything done.
I wonder how long it will take me to make a scrappy quilt? I wonder if it will look good?
Stay tuned!