Pomegranate Molasses

Pomegranate molasses are tart, fruity and just a little sweet.  A jar will last for months in the refrigerator.  I use pomegranate molasses in marinades, dressings and cocktails.

For this recipe you’ll need:

  • Pomegranate juice – I usually buy a 1/2 gallon of Odwalla juice for this recipe

Bring the juice to a boil in a saucepan.  Reduce heat to medium and simmer until the juice reduces to about 20% of its original volume and has the consistency of molasses.

Store in the refrigerator.



2 thoughts on “Pomegranate Molasses

  1. A food processor would alcautly work as well as a juicer and there are some very inexpensive, though small, processors out there. Anyway, working w/a blender, for your veggies: beets, cucumber, tomatoes, spinach are my first choices and all will do well in your blender. Avoid celery and any stringy, super tough veggies as they don’t pulp well. For fruits: pineapple, pears, apples, oranges, banana’s, peaches, strawberries, lemons, limes. Peel everything then cut your veggies/fruits throw in the blender, add ice and put some liquid in the blender before you pulp your fruits/veggies, and while you’re learning just blend a bit, stop, move the food around, pulp again. Add liquid if needed. Now you won’t extract as much juice this way, the end result will be thick. Add lots of ice and you’ll have to add either water or some other liquid to have a juice consistency.Enjoy.

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